Court Hill College - Support Us

Support Us


Court Hill College is built on service and charity. We want to ensure that a culture of giving back and service remain a core part of our ethos now and in the future.

Our fundraising and development programme is all about providing opportunities - whether that is through bursarial support, by expanding our facilities or through our outreach programmes. We want Court Hill College to continue to be a place where pupils can succeed and pursue their talents, wherever that talent lies and where . We would not be able to achieve this goal without contributions from our wider family and we are enormously grateful to all our supporters.

We are currently raising funds to:

01. Provide bursaries for talented pupils who would not otherwise be able to attend, enabling Court Hill College to maintain its social mix and academic strength, and to welcome into our community highly able pupils whose families cannot afford to pay all or part of the fees;

02. Maintain and enhance CHC' facilities and grounds by accelerating the building programme.

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We'd love to stay in touch so that we can continue to send you news and updates, invitations to events and the occasional communication regarding ways you can support Court Hill College, without any expectation or pressure.

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